Museum Rotterdam



Museum Rotterdam has a generous loan policy. We lend objects to museums at home and abroad.

Before we can pledge a loan, we first assess whether the object is available, is in a suitable condition and whether the facility report sent by the borrowing institution meets our standards.

Because it takes time to process the administrative and practical aspects of a loan, please submit your loan application at least six months before the start of the loan date.

We can only process your application after a written request has been submitted to the director, Ingrid de Jager, Museum Rotterdam, Postbus 336, 3000 AH Rotterdam.

Your application must contain the following:

  • Name and address of the institution and the name of the contact person
  • Reasons for the application and a brief description of the project
  • The title, place and dates of the exhibition
  • A list of items with inventory numbers
  • A current facility report

A loan may involve the following costs:

• drawing up a condition report (approx. € 100 - € 150)
• special handling (placement of the object in a climate-controlled display case, or conservation and restoration work) (variable)
• additional deployment of staff to accompany and install objects (€ 50 per hour for a collection manager plus travel costs)
• Museum Rotterdam will install the object for non-museum institutions, for which a fee will be charged

The costs of transportation and a courier (if required), third party packaging and insurance are always borne by the borrower.

Museum Rotterdam aims to increase the visibility of the collection and endorses the principles of the Museum Association to simplify and where possible standardize loan traffic within the Netherlands.

For more information, please contact [email protected].